OTC Hearing Aids: An Overview & Update for Audiologists in Mississippi
Led by: Haley Messersmith, Au.D., CCC-A
The release of the FDA ruling regarding OTC hearing aids has audiologists around the country wondering what this means for their patients and the future of their practice. Join Haley Messersmith, VP: Audiology of the Mississippi Speech and Hearing Association, to discuss details regarding the FDA ruling and how it pertains to your current and future practice. What do Mississippi Audiologists need to know for their patients and practices? What are ASHA and MSHA doing to help advocate for and protect your role as an audiologist in these changing times? Join us to find out! Representatives from ASHA and MSHA will be available to answer your questions!
Link to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/audiology-virtual-town-hall-meeting-tickets-440917836117
Haley Messersmith, Au.D.,CCC-A, is a clinical audiologist and is currently serving as VP: Audiology for the Mississippi Speech Language Hearing Association. Dr. Messersmith received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Mississippi and her Doctor of Audiology from Auburn University. Dr. Messersmith works as clinical Audiologist and Instructor for the University of Mississippi and as a contract based clinical Audiologist at Ear Nose and Throat Consultants of North Mississippi. Her clinical interests are hearing aids for both the pediatric and adult populations as well as assistive listening technologies. Despite the FDA ruling, she believes the future is bright for the field of Audiology, especially as it pertains to helping patients through the use of hearing assistive technology. Dr. Messersmith resides in Oxford, MS with her husband and two daughters.
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