Thursday, January 28, 2021

Conference Dates!

 Happy New Year from your 2021 Conference Co-Chairs! The MSHA Annual Continuing Education Conference will be held September 1-3! We are thrilled to announce that the conference will be back at the Hilton in Jackson. We are moving forward with planning an in-person conference for networking and reconnection opportunities. Please note we will make modifications if warranted due to the status of the pandemic. We will keep all members updated as the planning process continues. Stay tuned for a plethora of surprises to be announced in the near future!

Amy LeBert and Kim Ward

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

President's Message


  • SAVE THE DATE for Annual Conference: September 1-3, 2021

  • Ask Two Colleagues to JOIN MSHA

  • Renew Your MSHA Membership
    •  Students only $15
    • Clinical Fellows only $35

Join me in moving Mississippi forward, 
Amy Livingston, MS CCC-SLP
MSHA President 2021 


Mississippi Speech-Language-Hearing Association
P.O. Box 22664 Jackson, MS 39225 800-664-6742 

Friday, January 22, 2021

MSHA Virtual Legislative Day - January 27, 2021

Attention MSHA members! 2021 is here and MSHA is submitting two bills for legislative change. These two important topics are Hearing Aid Insurance Coverage for Children under 21 (House Bill 13/ Senate Bill 2338) and the creation of an Independent Licensure Board for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (House Bill 85/Senate Bill 2005). We are asking that you participate in MSHA’s Virtual Legislative Day on Wednesday, January 27, 2021!

We need your help! Currently, we are putting together a grassroots effort to communicate with YOUR legislators about our two MSHA proposed bills. Have you ever heard the saying, “It’s who you know”? Well, if you have a connection, we want your legislator to KNOW. You may know the member personally, be a distant relative, neighbor, a church friend, or a constituent. But they can’t help pass these out of committee if they aren’t knowledgeable about the NEED for them.

We urge you to contact your legislative member and tell them about the importance of these two bills. You can share MSHA’s Facebook post January 27th or create your own. Record a video, post a picture, or write a comment across all of your social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) asking legislators to support these bills. Use the hashtags (#): #MSLeg2021; #HearingAidsforMSKids; #SLPAUDBoard; #MSHALeg2021; #MSHAAdvocacy; #ASHAAdvocacy. If you are friends with or follow your legislators on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, tag them in the post using @ (i.e., @rpowellslp).

You can find their contact info here at this link:

MS House of Representatives:

MS Senate:

The legislators that sit on the committees that we are targeting in order to educate them about our bills are as follows:

Hearing Aid Insurance Coverage Committees:




Hank Zuber, Chairman

Kevin Ford, Vice-Chairman

William Tracy Arnold

Earle S. Banks

Christopher M. Bell

Charles Busby

Oscar Denton

Clay Deweese

Dan Eubanks

Michael T. Evans

Jill Ford

Jeffrey S. Guice

Jeff Hale

Jeffery Harness

John W. Hines, Sr.

Stacey Hobgood-Wilkes

Steve Hopkins

Tom Miles

Gene Newman

Omeria Scott

Jody Steverson

Jerry R. Turner

Tom Weathersby

Lee Yancey

Shanda Yates

Henry Zuber III

J. Walter Michel, Chairman

Michael McLendon, Vice-Chairman

Barbara Blackmon

Kevin Blackwell

Nicole Boyd

Scott DeLano

Hillman Terome Frazier

Josh Harkins

Angela Burks Hill

John Horhn

Dean Kirby

Joseph Thomas

Chuck Younger




Independent Licensure Committees:



Sam Mims, V, Chairman

Missy McGee, Vice-Chairman

Shane Aguirre

Nick Bain

Christopher M. Bell

Cedric Burnett

Billy Adam Calvert

Bryant W. Clark

Dana Criswel

Ronnie C. Crudup

Becky Currie

Dan Eubanks

Kevin Ford

John W. Hines, Sr.

Kabir Karriem

Jay McKnight

Dana McLean

Orlando Paden

Brent Powell

John Read

Rob Roberson

Noah Sanford

Donnie Scoggin

Omeria Scott

Fred Shanks

Zakiya Summers;

Rickey Thompson

Jason White

Hob Bryan, Chairman

David Parker, Vice-Chairman

Barbara Blackmon

Kevin Blackwell

David Blount

Chris Caughman

Dennis DeBar, Jr.

Joey Fillingane

Hillman Terome Frazier

Josh Harkins

W. Briggs Hopson III

John Horhn

Chris Johnson

Chad McMahan

Rita Potts Parks

John A. Polk

Jeff Tate

Brice Wiggins

Tammy Witherspoon



Please contact the members of the Insurance and Public Health and Human Services Committees by phone, email, text, social media, and even in person within the next week and ask for their support of these bills.

        Hearing Aid Insurance Coverage for Children under 21:House Bill 13/ Senate Bill 2338

        Universal Licensure Board for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (House Bill 85/Senate Bill 2005

You may find sample letters to legislators below. If you are one of their constituents, be sure to state that in your message. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by phone at:800.664.6742 Ext. 707 or Your involvement matters!

Child HA Coverage Letter (download)

Independent Licensure Board Letter (download)

Rachel Powell, Chair
MSHA Legislative Committee

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