Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Get ready for the updated PPVT & EVT!

If you haven’t heard, Pearson will be releasing the new versions of some of their testing instruments. There will be the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-5 and the Expressive Vocabulary Test-3. These testing instruments will be available in late 2018. Go to their website to find out more information. https://www.pearsonclinical.com

Get ready for the updated PPVT & EVT!
Coming Late 2018!

For over 50 years, the PPVT™ has been trusted to quickly and easily measure key language abilities. When combined with the expressive vocabulary measurement of the EVT™, the scores provided allow you to make direct comparisons and interpret vocabulary performance as it relates to oral language and the vocabulary basis for reading and writing.
What's new with PPVT-5/EVT-3?
·        Inclusion of new items
·        Validity study with KTEA™-3 Brief
·        New and updated item analyses
·        Digital artwork updated for today's culture and experiences
·        Simpler basal, reversal, and discontinue rules
·        Available in both paper and digital formats

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